Welcome to Alice Reins

Alice Reins are a versatile and unique riding aid specifically designed to help each and every individual who possesses a passion to ride. Alice Reins will enhance your riding whether you have a disability, are able bodied, are a child, a novice rider or indeed young at heart!

The original Alice Reins were designed by myself for my daughter Alice who was born with just one functional hand so that she would be able to realise her dream and ride a pony!

Alice Reins would be invaluable for those with lesser grip, for instance those with arthritis, or those who have lesser grip as a result of a stroke, or even those who suffer with ailments such as carpal tunnel or something similar.

Alice Reins is a family run business situated in the beautiful historic town of Stamford in Lincolnshire which is host each year to the famous  Burghley Horse Trials 3 day event.

To find out more click here

Key Features

  • Enables disabled riders of all ages and ability to be able to ride more efficiently, safely and with confidence.

  • Design can be adapted to meet individual specific requirements and needs.

  • Available in 3 widths and 4 lengths, shorter pony length, pony length, cob length and horse and in Black or Brown colours.

  • Invaluable for riders with lesser grip due to Arthritis, Stroke, Carpal Tunnel and generally weak arm muscles.

  • Can be used for all 3 disciplines and also on the hunting field.

  • Will attach to any bridle and are fully adjustable to fit any pony/horse.

  • Excellent teaching aid for all riders of all ages and ability encouraging correct feel of contact in walk, trot and canter.

  • Provides greater control for the strong pony/horse and extremely difficult for pony/horse to pull the reins through the riders' hands.

  • With your hands in the correct position, enables you to concentrate more easily on your position in the saddle.